The Spade-Men
Wallpaper image 1
Wallpaper image 2
Customise your desktop today! Just click on either of these images to get the full-sized version - perfect for home or office.
The Sin Bin
As the Political Correctness police strike once again, we say a fond farewell to the Sin Bin - no longer home of the Spade-Men.
S5 Graphic Novel
The cover of the series five graphic novel.
A missing page...
A page from the long-lost Spade-Men novel...
S5: Ultimate Spade-Men
The title poster for series five.
The Movie
Held up by funding issues, the Spade-Men Movie - producer: Cecil B. DeJefferys
S4: Still Spading
With the arrival of series five, the title poster for series four steps aside.
Another promotional image for series four.
S3: Spade-Men Forever
The title poster for series three.
The Spade-Men
Each of the cover images on this page was drawn by Understanding Jon, so to view any one in all its glory, be sure to click on it for the full size version!
Lord of the Spade
The promotional poster for the result of the second Spade-Men competition shows our heroes in one of their greatest, if rather inaccurately documented, quests.
The Spade-Women
Hubba hubba!
The Spade-Men
This image appeared as the cover of the first, limited-edition Spade-Men graphic novel, and was included as a poster along with that publication.
As the original series of the Spade-Men was published to a limited audience, some people decided to try their hands at the comic art form. Among the start-up comics were...
Mock Man episode 1
Wet Fish
Wet Fish
Understanding Jon also produced some unofficial and spin-off comics, including a competition, and some bizarre extra-series comics...
Mr Jiggs One Shot
Mr Jiggs One Shot
The Spade-Men Competition
The Spade-Men Competition
The Spade-Men - The Lost Pages
The Spade-Men - The Lost Pages
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